Cookie Policy


1. Include basics about cookies2. Include essential cookies in your cookie policy3. Include Cookies with variable names in your cookie policyMore details like service, purpose, storage duration about every cookie1. msgsndr_id2. mp3. provider4. hltimer_arrival, hl_timer_element_id5. user-email, user-billing-id5.cookie-config6. am_id7. am_fingerprint8. ud10. lead-connector-text-widget-i18n-keys11. wl12. lnurl13. orderResponse14. contactResponse15. redirect16. mf[location_id]17. user_data_[calendar_id/location_id]18. v3_first_session_event__[location_id]19. v2_contact_session__[location_id]__[session_id]20. v2_contact_session__[location_id]__[session_id]21. v2_user_session_event_[location_id]__[session_id]22. v2_session_history__[location_id]23. pl[funnel_id]24. plv1_[funnel_id]25. plecom_26. address[funnel_id]27. cart_details_[funne_id]28. couponSessionId_[funne_id/location_id]32. v2_history__[location_id]33. embedCode[surveyId]34. survey_temp_slides_[surveyId]

1. Include basics about cookies

Include the following sections for customer to understand about the cookies:

- What are Cookies?

- Why do we use Cookies?

- How do you we use cookies

- Do you serve targeted advertising?

- How often will you update this Cookie Policy?

2. Include essential cookies in your cookie policy

The table below lists all the essential cookies for funnels/websites functionalities to work properly'KeyStored inmsgsndr_idBrowser cookies_mpBrowser cookiestrBrowser cookiesproviderBrowser cookieshl_timer_arrivalBrowser cookiesuser-emailBrowser cookiesuser-billing-idBrowser cookiescookie-configBrowser cookiesam_idBrowser cookiesam_fingerprintBrowser cookies_udLocal storagelead-connecter-text-widget-input-valuesLocal storagewlLocal storageln_urlLocal storagelead-connecter-text-widget-i18n-keysSession storageorderResponseSession storagecontactResponseSession storageredirectSession storage

3. Include Cookies with variable names in your cookie policy

The table below lists all the essential cookies for funnels/websites functionalities to work properly Key Stored in hl_timer_<variable> Browser cookies mf<variable> Browser cookies user_data_<variable> Browser cookies v3_first_session_event_<variable> Local storage/Browser Cookie v2_contact_session_<variable> Local storage/Browser Cookie v2_user_session_event_<variable> Local storage/Browser Cookie v2_session_history_<variable> Local storage v2_history_<variable> Local storage pl<variable> Local storage plv1_<variable> Local storage plecom_<variable> Local storage address<variable> Local storage cart_details_<variable> Local storage couponSessionId_<variable> Session storage location_ Local storage <variable>lead-connecter-text-widget-prompt-dismissed Local storage <variable>_lead-connecter-live-widget-message-data Local storage

More details like service, purpose, storage duration about every cookie

1. msgsndr_id

Service: FunnelsPurpose: To identify visitor contact information.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:Facilitates user-contact activities tracking.

2. _mp

Service: FunnelsPurpose: Stores marketplace information.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:Tracks user purchases, especially recurring payments.

3. provider

Service: FunnelsPurpose: Stores the latest payment method type.Cookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:Manages payment options during the user’s session.

4. hl_timer_arrival , hl_timer_element_id

Service: FunnelsPurpose: Stores arrival time and timer elements for user actions.Cookie Type and Duration: Session (expires in 1 day)Notes:Timer-related user action tracking.

5. user-email , user-billing-id

Service: FunnelsPurpose: Stores unique identifier, logging emails, and billing information.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:Facilitates user actions and form submissions.

5. cookie-config

Service: FunnelsPurpose: Store cookie consent of userCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 6 month)Notes:Getting permission from website visitors before storing or accessing cookies on their device

6. am_id

Service: Affiliate Marketing TeamPurpose: Stores unique code of affiliate for tracking.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (duration varies by user)Notes:Tracks traffic and sales from affiliates.

7. am_fingerprint

Service: Affiliate Marketing TeamPurpose: Stores unique identifier for visit using affiliate code.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (duration varies by user)Notes:Tracks clicks, leads, and sales from affiliates.

8. _ud

Service: Forms/Surveys/Funnels/CalendarPurpose: Form/survey details and data entered (excluding credit card info).Cookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:Assists with form submission tracking and data retention.


Service: Chat WidgetPurpose: stored last chat session user detailsCookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:we are keeping last filled values in chat-widget so that next time user don't need to put the name, emails etc

10. lead-connector-text-widget-i18n-keys

Service: chat widgetPurpose: for internationalization.Cookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:i18n translation.

11. wl

Service: CalendarPurpose: Whitelabel UrlCookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:store whitelabel url for redirect

12. ln_url

Service: FunnelPurpose: Use for FunnelCookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:LeadConneclogin URL

13. orderResponse

Service: FunnelPurpose: use for upsell and order confirmationCookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:Stored order form response for upsell to work and confirmation

14. contactResponse

Service: FunnelPurpose: use for order form, upsell and sticky contactCookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:Stored Contact response for order form, upsell and sticky contact

15. redirect

Service: EcommercePurpose: redirect action for ecomCookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:ecom post purchase redirect URL

16. mf[location_id]

Service: MembershipPurpose: use for membership accessCookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:stored membership info once membership purchased from order form

17. user_data_[calendar_id/location_id]

Service: CalendarPurpose: calender details and data entered (excluding credit card info).Cookie Type and Duration: PersistentNotes:Assists with form submission tracking and data retention.

18. v3_first_session_event__[location_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To store and identify landing session data.Cookie Type and Duration: Session (expires after 30 minutes)Notes:Stores data like referrer, landing URL, and other parameters.Helps in analyzing the first user session.

19. v2_contact_session__[location_id]__[session_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To store unique session ID for lead identification.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 168 hours/7 days)Notes:Identifies leads by unique ID.

20. v2_contact_session__[location_id]__[session_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To store unique session ID for lead identification.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 168 hours/7 days)Notes:Identifies leads by unique ID.

21. v2_user_session_event_[location_id]__[session_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To store unique session ID for lead identification.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 168 hours/7 days)Notes:Identifies leads by unique ID.

22. v2_session_history__[location_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To keep a log of all session details for analysis.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Facilitates session analytics and user behavior tracking.

23. pl[funnel_id]

Service: FunnelPurpose: v2 Order form products DetailsCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Stored v2 order form products details for order confirmation

24. plv1_[funnel_id]

Service: FunnelPurpose: v1 order form product detailsCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Stored v1 order form products details for order confirmation

25. plecom_<variable>

Service: EcommercePurpose: product detailsCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:products details for order summary in thank you page

26. address[funnel_id]

Service: Funnel/EcommercePurpose: use to show contact addressCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Order Form confirmation contact address

27. cart_details_[funne_id]

Service: EcommercePurpose: use to store cart detailsCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:persist cart details for user session

28. couponSessionId_[funne_id/location_id]

Service: Funnel/EcommercePurpose: use to store coupon session for an userCookie Type and Duration: sessionNotes:applicable on one-time products


Service: FunnelsPurpose: Stores unique identifier, logging emails, and billing information.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:Facilitates user actions and form submissions.


Service: Chat WidgetPurpose: stored time when user click on chat-widgetCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:this is to track when did user click on chat-widget last time


Service: Chat WidgetPurpose: stored last input from chat-widgetCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:this is to save last input data in chat-widget, it brings same value next time in input fields

32. v2_history__[location_id]

Service: Attribution TeamPurpose: To store each user page visit and time spent on pages.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Tracks user journey through the website.

33. embedCode[surveyId]

Service: FormsPurpose: Maintains embed code configuration.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Embedding form configurations for user sessions.

34. survey_temp_slides_[surveyId]

Service: SurveysPurpose: Maintains survey slide configurations.Cookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires Forever)Notes:Retains survey configuration settings between sessions.


Service: Funnel/FormsPurpose: use for order tracking purposeCookie Type and Duration: Persistent (expires after 365 days)Notes:generate tracking ID for transactions


Service: Funnel/Form/CalendarPurpose: use for order form success redirect actionCookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:stored order form redirect url for IDEAL,SEPA and BAN CONTACT provider


Service: Funnel/FormsPurpose: use for order form failure redirect actionCookie Type and Duration: SessionNotes:stored order form redirect url for IDEAL,SEPA and BAN CONTACT provider